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The Chronicle Sunshine Fund - Privacy Statement

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund’s (TCSF) Privacy Statement outlines how we use and store your personal information. We aim to be as clear and transparent as we can about how we do this.

If at any point you have a enquiry about your data please contact us:

Chronicle Sunshine Fund

ncjMedia Ltd

2nd Floor Eldon Court

Newcastle Upon Tyne


0191 201 6289


What information do we collect?

We do collect personal information and what we collect and how we use it will depend on the reason why you have given us your information. We may collect any information that can be used to identify you. For example name, data of birth, email address, postal address, telephone number, social media address, credit card details as well as information relating to the health or personal circumstances of your dependants. The exact information that we collect depends on our relationship with you and we may have more than one type of relationship with you.

Some information is considered sensitive information. We are very strict about the sensitive information that we collect and would only collect sensitive personal information where there is a necessity to do so, for example when assessing grant applications for support which are completed using the forms on our website for individuals as well as organisations


How do we use your information?

How we use your data depends also on the relationship that we have with you. For example if you have made a donation to our charity, attended one of our events, have participated in fundraising, have made a grant application or have done any mix of these then we hold only the information that we need for the purpose of our relationship with you.

Often people have more than one status with us e.g you may be a volunteer, an event participant have received a grant, been a member of staff, a Trustee or have regularly supported our charity over a number of years. This means that your data may have been collected a number of different times for different purposes.

* If you are a supporter of our charity the data that we store and use will be in relation to what you have supported us with. For example we require your information to process your

donation, claim gift aid or to register you for an event. This may be as you as an individual, or as a representative of the organisation that you work at.

We will store and use your name, contact details, payment details (where appropriate) and we will ask you about the type of person or organisation that you are so that we can understand our relationship with you better and tailor communications and propositions to you in the future with your consent. We use your information for internal administrative purposes such as accounting and records and to let you know about developments or changes within the charity.

If you are a tax payer we use your personal information to claim Gift Aid on your donations

If we were to use data to carry out analysis to understand how we are performing as a charity, so we can improve our fundraising and our ability to provide specialist equipment to disabled children, we would remove any reference to your personal details for this purpose.

* If you are a beneficiary, i.e applied for and have successfully been supplied with equipment from The Chronicle Sunshine Fund then we hold your information. All paper applications forms are securely stored in a lockable cabniet. We keep application forms for a three year period. People can re apply to the fund after one year after having received equipment from the fund.

If you have applied to us on behalf of a child we use the child’s data to access the needs of the application, the geographical area that the child lives as this can often have an impact on the funds that we can apply for. We would use you’re personal details, the details of the person submitting the application, for contact purposes. We also store the medical diagnosis and the needs of the child. If a health care professional has supported the application we also hold their job title and details of their place and location of work.

* If you are a staff member, intern, Trustee, volunteer or consultant we use your information for payroll purposes, pensions, to process expenses and to contact you. We also require personal information of your next of kin and emergency contact details . We hold employee contracts, sick notes, details of time off, leave for medical appointments and compassionate leave.


What happens when I give permission for other parties to share my information with The Chronicle Sunshine Fund?

Your information may be shared with us by independent event organisers such as Beacon House, Nova GNR, London Marathon or Fundraising sites like Just Giving or Virgin Money. These independent third parties will only do so when you have indicated that you wish to support The Chronicle Sunshine Fund.

You should check their Privacy Policy/Statement when you provide your information to them to understand fully how they will process your information.


What if my information is available publicly or you can access it from other external sources?

We may obtain information about you if it is publicly available and found in places such as Companies House, Land Registry, websites, published in articles and newspapers or on social media depending on your privacy setting or the responses you have publically share.


What about links to external websites on The Chronicle Sunshine Fund website?

If you click on a link from The Chronicle Sunshine Fund website to another website, that website will be owned and managed by a third party therefore they will have different privacy policies in place which we take no responsibility for.


Can The Chronicle Sunshine Fund contact me by email or text?

We cannot send you emails or text messages without your specific consent (opt in). Even if you have given us your email address or mobile phone number, in the past, we cannot contact you in this way without your consent.

On all emails that we send to you, you have the opportunity to un-subscribe from receiving email communications. The unsubscribe option is at the bottom of each email that we send.


Can you contact me by post or telephone?

We do not need your explicit consent to contact you with marketing information via traditional postal mail or over the telephone. So long as we are contacting you with information about something that we can justify as being relevant to you (legitimate interest) e.g. you have contacted us in the past about this specific event or you have supported us previously in a specific way.


Who do you share my information with?

We will never sell your details to any third parties. We may sometimes share your information with other trusted service providers who we work in partnership to fundraise with.

We may share your details with financial and legal advisers for the purposes of obtaining advice and protecting our legal rights.

When we collect your personal information we use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access. However, no data transmitted over the internet is 100% secure and we cannot guarantee the security of information that you transmit to us on line, therefore you do so at your own risk.


How long do you keep my data for?

The length of time that we retain your personal information for depends on the specific data that you are referring to eg details of applicants is held for for three years, while details of a person who we have claimed gift aid on their behalf is held for seven years. Please contact to access our compliancy policy which contains a retention table that details how long we hold specific pieces of information for.


How do I know my data will be managed securely?

The only individuals able to access personal data held by TCSF will be those that need to work with the data and who have completed a confidentiality agreement. The Chronicle Sunshine Fund have put the following measures in place to ensure all personal data is managed securely.

* Data files will be password protected and changed regularly.

* Files will be encrypted.

* Confidentially agreements will be signed by staff, volunteers, interns, trustees who have access to your data.

* Computer screens will always be locked when left unattended.

* When data is saved it will not be saved to a personal computer.

* When data is saved on to removable data (e.g. USB stick) it will be kept securely locked away.

* Data will never be saved on to laptops or mobile devices such as tablets or smart phones.

* Data will be backed up frequently.

* Data print out will be shredded and disposed of securely.

* Data will not be left where unauthorised people can access it e.g. printer.

* Paper data e.g. files will be kept in a locked draw.


What if I want to access or update my personal information?

You can request access to any information that we hold about you or update your personal information by contacting a member of The Chronicle Sunshine Fund team on 0191 201 6289 or emailing


What if I want to change the way that you communicate with me?

You can call 0191 201 6289 or email if you no longer wish to receive fundraising communications from us or if you would like to alter the way that we contact you.


What if there are any changes to how you use my information?

There may be changes made to this policy from time to time. Any changes to this policy will be shared on our website so that you are always fully up to date with how we handle your personal information.

Privacy Statements are sometime referred to as Privacy Policy.

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund may be referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” throughout this document.

Produced By Sarah Johnson

Approved by The Chronicle Sunshine Fund Board

Date Produced: 25th May 2018

Review Date: 25th May 2019


Download an application Pack


We are proud to work with so many inspiring organisations and indivduals across the North East who share our passion to enhance the lives of local children with disabilities, here are just a few of them...

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund
NCJ Media

2nd Floor, Eldon Court
Eldon Square
Percy Street
Newcastle upon Tyne




07593 298541


0191 201 6289

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM

Registered with Fundraising Regulators
Connected Voice Haref Ally badge
Youth member 2023-2024 badge

Registered Charity Number: 1133293

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